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Bring Back the Suit. Join The Movement Now.

by Confidence, Lifestyle, Menswear Trends, Overdressing, Suits

Welcome and thank you for being back, my dapper friends.

This post may initially sound a bit negative, but trust me, it is a positive and inspiring one.

By the time you finish reading it, I am sure you will come out of it with motivated and ready to take action.

So let’s get into it.

There is no denying the fact that in recent times, there has been a noticeable shift towards more casual styles, and as a result, the classic suit has somewhat lost its former popularity.

Sad, but true.

While it’s true that embracing casual wear has its merits, it is essential not to forget the timeless elegance and sophistication that the suit represents.

And I’ll say this: as dapper individuals, it’s our responsibility to promote the revival of formal dressing and rekindle the appreciation for the unparalleled elegance of a well-tailored suit.

So this is what this blog post is about.

An invitation to all of us to do our part in bringing back the appreciation for the dapper style we so passionately love.

Please continue reading.

The Casual Takeover in Men’s Style

Over the past few decades, we’ve witnessed a gradual transition towards a more relaxed and informal approach to dressing.

Little by little, we have seen it happen.

And we’re not talking about specific suit trends that can happen from decade to decade or even year to year.

It is a more concrete and definitive shift towards casual menswear.

With casual Fridays that eventually become casual weeks and laid-back dress codes, it seems like the suit has been relegated to the back of every man’s closet.

While comfort and practicality are undeniable benefits of casual wear, we shouldn’t allow this to overshadow the allure of a finely tailored suit.

There is a time and place for everything, I would say.

Of course, there are those of us who are chronic over dressers.

But lately, it seems that the extremely casual wear has overtaken the spaces where a suit should still be the most appropriate attire.

You wouldn’t show up in a full suit and tie combo to a beach party.

Then why would so many men wear a t-shirt, shorts and sandals to a nice dinner?

The Sad Dilution of Elegance

As casual attire takes center stage, there’s a risk of losing sight of the elegance and sophistication that a suit embodies.

And isn’t that is a real shame?

The good news is that -and I want to be very clear on this- we can do something about it.

The way I see it is that the beauty of the suit lies not only in its impeccable craftsmanship but also in the sense of empowerment and confidence that a suit instills in those who choose to wear it.

I have felt it.

You have surely felt it as well.

By replacing suits with jeans and T-shirts in various settings, we inadvertently dilute the visual impact of formal dressing and risk losing touch with a heritage of elegance that has been passed down from multiples generations before us.

We cannot be the generation that simply kills male elegance, allowing every setting to become casual.

It is up to us, and this movement I’m proposing here, to keep this heritage alive and well.

And to make it appealing to the younger generations.

This is key, of course, and we’ll talk about that more.

bringing back the suit and tie

Reviving the Suit

As the advocates of timeless style that we are, we can take it upon ourselves to revive the suit’s rightful place in the realm of men’s style.

Let’s spark this movement that will remind others of the allure of well-tailored ensembles and that will encourage them to embrace the elegance of suits for various occasions.

It may sound complicated, or even a bit unrealistic, to think we can accomplish this task in this day and age when everything has become way too casual.

But there are several things we can do to revert this trend.

I am not saying we want to see everyone around us in full suit and tie outfits everyday.

That is not the goal.

And that would be a, frankly, ridiculous goal.

But wouldn’t it be great if we could manage to make this world even just a tiny bit more elegant?

Okay, so if you’re onboard, let me continue by listing a few real actions you can take to be a part of this movement (I am not even sure if movement is the right word at this point, but you get it…).

Dress Up with Purpose

Make a conscious effort to incorporate suits into your daily wardrobe, even in situations that may not demand it.

Whether you’re going out for a coffee or attending a casual social event, wearing a suit can be a delightful expression of your personal style and a nod to the elegance we cherish in this community.

Why not wear a tie even when nobody else does?

Remember, there is nothing wrong with being the best dressed person in a room.

As a matter of fact, I think there are a lot of benefits that can come out of it.

Celebrate Suit Culture

bringing suits back to popularityIt is very likely that you are in social media.

If you’re not, you can consider yourself one of the lucky ones, I guess.

But since most of us are there, why not share our love for suits on those platforms?

Same goes for blogs (like this menswear blog you’re reading now), or even personal conversations.

Celebrate the art of tailoring, appreciate the craftsmanship, and showcase the versatility of suits in various looks.

Talk to those you know about why you love double-breasted suits and how they’re coming back to popularity.

Talk about how you love wearing black suits in a casual manner.

There are countless opportunities to promote suits.

Emphasize to others the power of dressing well and how it can positively impact their confidence.

Celebrate it.

Influence the Next Generation

As previously mentioned above, you can help educate younger generations about the timeless appeal of suits and the joy of dressing well.

Encourage them to explore the world of formal wear and experiment with different styles that align with their personalities.

Show them that suits (and dressing up in general) is not an old men’s thing, emphasizing the great benefits that caring about their appearance can bring to their future lives and careers.

Lead by example and instill in them the idea that dressing up can be an empowering experience that sets them apart in a sea of casual attire.

You may end up not only influencing them in their style, but also setting them up for future successes.

Suit Up Together

As much as online communities, social media and menswear blogs can serve as springboards, there is something to be said for in-person gatherings.

You can organize or attend events that promote formal dressing, such as stylish meetups or dapper gatherings in your city.

By coming together as a community, we reinforce the value of classic men’s style and create an environment that inspires other men to embrace elegance.

Share experiences, exchange style tips, and celebrate the collective appreciation for well-tailored suits.

Invite new members to these events, even men who are not regular dapper dressers, as they may discover they actually appreciate the timeless appeal of a suit.

Embrace Versatility

Many men out there who disregard suits as “boring” may be oblivious to the fact that one of the most compelling aspects of the suit is, precisely, its versatility.

You can inspire them by showing the endless possibilities to express individuality that come from wearing suits regularly.

From classic navy and charcoal options suitable for formal events to more contemporary and vibrant colors for casual affairs, suits offer endless possibilities for expressing personal style.

Embrace this versatility and showcase how suits can be adapted to various occasions without compromising on elegance.

All while being blank canvas for personal expression.

Mastering Fit

We all know this, but it doesn’t hurt saying it again:

Fit is key.

Nothing exudes confidence and refinement more than a perfectly tailored suit.

Explore the importance of fit and the transformative effect it can have on your overall appearance.

In fact, I would say a big reason many men don’t care much for elegance anymore is that they have yet to discover what properly fitted garments can do for them and their appearance.

Encourage men around you, particularly those who have already expressed a certain interest in suits, to learn about proper suit fitting and seek out skilled tailors who can craft suits that accentuate their body shape, allowing them to truly stand out.

will the suit and tie be popular again?

Innovative Styling

Contrary to the misconception that suits are outdated, you can showcase the ways in which contemporary styling can modernize this classic attire.

From experimenting with unconventional accessories like pocket squares to mixing patterns and textures, encourage men to push the boundaries and make their suit ensembles uniquely their own.

You can prove suits are far from dull or boring.

I would say they’re the total opposite of boring, a suit can be the most versatile outfit a man could wear, if he knows how to approach it with originality and a real sense of style.

Acknowledge the Suit as a Symbol of Confidence and Empowerment

Lastly, I do want to underline the relationship between suits and confidence.

It is for very good reasons -many of those already listed above- that the suit has long been associated with masculine confidence and authority.

Celebrate its history as a symbol of empowerment, worn by influential figures throughout time to convey a sense of authority and assertiveness.

Share this truth about suits as often as you can and in as many places as possible.

Reinforce the notion that embracing the suit is not just about style; it’s about adopting an attitude that transmits poise and self-assurance, two of the virtues most valued and appreciated in all individuals.


As passionate devotees of classic men’s style, we can reverse the trend of casualization and bring back the suit to its former glory.

I am 100% convinced it’s not too late to do this together.

Let’s lead by example, inspire others, and cultivate a renewed appreciation for the elegance of formal dressing.

Together, we can preserve the distinguished legacy of the suit and ensure that its timeless charm remains an integral part of modern men’s style.

So let me invite you again to join the movement to embrace the suit and let it become a symbol of confidence, refinement, and unmatched style.

Together, we can make the suit a symbol of elegance and sophistication once again.

And make this the prevailing notion for generations to come.

But in the end, it’s all up to us.

In a way, the saying is true:

Be the change that you want to see in the world.

Can we count on you?

And just before you go, why don’t you go ahead and follow me on social media for more dapper style tips and inspiration?

I’d love to see you there, connect and say hi.

Thank you.


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