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How Many Neckties Should A Man Have?

by Accessories, Lifestyle, Menswear Guides, Menswear Tips, Neckties

Ah, the common question: how many neckties should a man have?

Neckties, those slender strips of fabric, have held a special place in men’s wardrobes for generations as staple accessories for every man.

And I’m sure they’re that important to you if you are an avid reader of this dapper men’s style blog.

Neckties are not just accessories; they’re expressions of style, professionalism, and personality.

But here’s the million-dollar question that often dangles in the minds of dapper gents and men’s fashion amateurs: How many neckties should a man have?

Is there a magical number that strikes the perfect balance between variety and clutter?

Well, my friends, let’s unravel this sartorial mystery together.

I must say, though, there is no straight answer (and I won’t attempt to give you one).

But I do believe there are certain approaches you could take to build a cool collection of neckties you actually need.

Having said that, let’s get started.

Shall we?

how many neckties do you need?

The Minimalist Approach: Quality Over Quantity

1-5 neckties

In a world full of options, sometimes less is indeed more.

And if you’re asking yourself the question “how many ties do I really need?“, the answer may be similar.

The minimalist approach suggests that owning a few, but exceptional, neckties can be the key to an effortlessly refined wardrobe.

Think of it as curating a small but really powerful collection that speaks volumes.

With a handful of high-quality ties in classic colors like navy, black, and burgundy, and with a solid approach to style, you can be ready for any occasion.

Timeless options like the ones mentioned above, seamlessly transition from the boardroom to evening events, saving you the headache of frantically rummaging through a sea of ties (guilty as charged).

The minimalist approach is best for those men that really are not required (or particularly enjoy) wearing a necktie, but want to make sure all the basics are covered.

Also good for those just beginning to explore the wonderful world of neckties.

We all have to start somewhere.

The Practical Collection: Covering Various Occasions

6-15 neckties

Life is intricate and is woven with diverse scenarios.

And guess what?

Your tie collection can be woven in a similar manner, if you choose to.

In other words, you can take the practical road regarding your necktie collection.

In all honesty, having a pragmatic assortment that caters to different occasions is definitely a smart move.

How does that look in real life?

A well-rounded necktie collection might include a few solid-colored ties for formal events, subtle patterns for business meetings, and perhaps a touch of whimsy for casual outings.

By tailoring your selection to various settings, you’ll show confidence and style, no matter where life takes you.

Take the practical and methodical approach to deciding how many ties you should own and you’ll see how choosing your necktie for your next event will be an easy task.

The practical approach is best for men who do like and enjoy wearing neckties, but they see them as a mere accessory to be worn for certain occasions.

If you ever find yourself wondering whether you should wear this or that tie and eventually consider adding one or two to your collection, this perspective might be for you.

The Enthusiast’s Assortment: Expanding the Collection

16-infinite amount of neckties

For those of you who believe variety is the spice of life and for those who share a true passion for neckties, what I call an enthusiast’s assortment of ties can be a playground of possibilities.

With this approach, the necktie collection blossoms to include an array of textures, fabrics, and patterns.

Imagine silk ties with intricate paisley designs, woolen ties for winter days, and knitted ties that add a dash of relaxed charm.

If you are a real enthusiast of neckties, you know how a simple collection is never enough.

A true necktie lover will cover all the bases (and I mean all of them) before he is satisfied.

And that satisfaction may never come, if I have to be completely honest.

But there’s a good reason why: each tie in this type of assortment tells a unique story and allows you to craft looks that are as diverse as your moods.

Read also: Wearing a Necktie to Work When Nobody Else Does

The enthusiast’s assortment approach is best for men who have a deep passion for neckties and take pride in owning a big and diverse collection.

Now let’s go beyond these proposed approaches and look deeper into other factors you should take into consideration to know what’s the right number of neckties you should have.

how many neckties should you have in your collection?

Defining Your Personal Style

Your necktie collection isn’t just about fashion.

No, you should think about it as a canvas for self-expression, as we have already talked about here in the blog.

Neckties can even have certain psychological effects on those who wear them.

As with other things related to your style, it is your chance to tell the world who you are without uttering a  single word.

Get real with your personality and use it as a springboard.

Are you drawn to bold colors, playful prints, or elegant simplicity?

Your neckties show your personality to anyone who takes a closer look.

So, whether you’re a trendsetter or a traditionalist, you should let your ties be the voice of your style narrative.

This will guide you to make a sound decision on how many neckties you need in your collection.

And that will be precisely the right amount to define your own style.

Read also: 9 Reasons to Wear  Bow Ties

how many neckties you need?Your Lifestyle is a An Important Factor

Let’s be real—your lifestyle must have a say in how many neckties you should own.

Are you in the corporate world, or are you a creative spirit letting your individuality shine?

Your profession, social engagements, and preferences all play a role.

For those who walk the fine line between both worlds, a versatile necktie collection is your ally.

Tailor your tie choices (and amount) to fit your daily activities, ensuring you’re always dressed for the occasion.


So, how many neckties should a man have?

The answer, my friends, isn’t etched in stone but woven in style.

Whether you choose to embrace the minimalist viewpoint, build a practical collection, or explore the  necktie enthusiast’s realm, the key is to strike a chord that truly resonates with you.

As you embark on this journey of curating your necktie collection, remember that it’s not about the numbers.

It’s about crafting a collection that speaks loud and clear about your taste, character, and elegance.

And now, I pass the question to you: How many neckties do you think a man should have in his wardrobe?

What has been your attitude towards building your own necktie collection?

Come on, join the conversation, share your thoughts below, and explore more dapper style inspiration by connecting with me on social media.

Thank you.



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