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Back in Stride, A Personal Return What I Love Most: Dapper Menswear

by Blogging, Lifestyle, Personal Updates

Hey there, everyone!

It’s been a minute, hasn’t it?

You might have noticed my absence from the dapper menswear blogosphere these past few months, and believe me, it wasn’t by choice.

At least not completely.

You see, life threw me a curveball – or maybe I should say a whole bag of lemons – and I found myself juggling health issues and family matters that demanded my full attention.

The Struggle Is Real

Ed Ruiz in a three piece suitLet’s get real for a moment, shall we?

Battling health issues and dealing with family problems is no walk in the park.

All of it drained me physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Suddenly, my passion for dapper menswear took a backseat as I navigated through doctor’s/vets appointments, constant hospital visits, and late-night severe worry sessions.

To be completely honest with you, the suits and ties that once brought me so much joy and excitement seemed kind of trivial in the face of adversity.

Finding My Way Back

But here’s the thing about passion – it’s resilient.

Much more than we think it is.

I now know this from my personal experience.

Despite the darkness that clouded many of my days, there was a flicker of light that refused to be extinguished.

Yeah, I know… too poetic for my style.

Forgive me!

Slowly but surely, I found myself longing for the familiar feeling of dressing up and attempting to look my best day in-day out.

Dapper menswear wasn’t just a hobby for me; it is one of my few anchors in a sea of uncertainty.

A Fresh Perspective

They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, and boy, were they absolutely right!

Stepping away from the blog and from my social media persona gave me the opportunity to reflect, recharge, and rediscover what truly matters to me.

And as I dust off my favorite suits and polish my trusty loafers, I realize that dapper menswear isn’t just about looking good on the outside – it’s about feeling confident and empowered from within.

It’s funny how I’ve repeated this on many occasions to my readers and followers, but it isn’t until you get to experience it first-hand that your words start truly resonating within yourself.

Back to Business (And Style)

So here I am, dear readers and friends, ready to dive back into the world of classy menswear with renewed vigor and enthusiasm.

Sure, my hiatus may have been unexpected, but it taught me valuable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the importance of taking care of oneself.

I know realize, very clearly, that nothing, even your biggest passions, should be above your personal well-being.

The Tie That Binds

And hey, what better way to celebrate my return than by exploring how dapper style can serve as a form of self-care and self-expression?

After all, there’s something undeniably empowering about slipping into a well-tailored suit or tying the perfect Windsor knot, right?

You know that as well as I do!

So stay tuned, because I’ve got some exciting content coming your way!

I feel recharged and ready to go!

matching pocket square and necktie

In Conclusion

Life has a funny way of throwing us off course, but it’s how we navigate the storm that defines us.

As I embark on this new chapter of my blogging journey, I invite you to join me on this adventure filled with style, sophistication, and a whole lot of dapper charm.

That’s what I truly love doing and I will not stop.

Here’s to coming back stronger, sharper, and more stylish than ever before.

Cheers to the future, my dapper friends!

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