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What Are the Differences Between Regular Cuffs and French Cuffs?

by Accessories, Cufflinks, Lifestyle, Menswear Guides, Menswear Tips, Professional Attire, Shirts

Hey there, dapper gents!

Welcome back to the Ed Ruiz Dapper Menswear Blog.

Today, we’re back to dive into the world of men’s shirt cuffs.

You know, those often-overlooked, but incredibly significant elements of your sharp ensemble.

Imagine you’re prepping for a formal occasion.

You’ve picked the perfect suit, a dashing trending tie, but then comes the question: “What cuffs should I wear?

Or maybe this question never crossed your mind,… even though it really should.

Not to worry.

That’s where we come in.

Let’s discuss French cuffs and regular cuffs, and help you make an informed choice.

Shirt Cuffs: A Style Statement

Before we delve into the specifics, let’s talk about why cuffs are more than just fabric at the end of your sleeves.

They’re an important style statement you should not overlook.

Whether it’s a boardroom meeting, a special date, or your best friend’s wedding, shirt cuffs can set the tone for your entire suit outfit.

Read also: How to Style a Suit for a Spring or Summer Wedding

Cuffs are versatile.

And what’s more, they’re like icing on your sartorial cake.

The right cuffs can add that dash of sophistication or that touch of elegance you want to convey.

French Cuffs are a Classic Choice

Let’s start by dissecting the first style, the classic French cuffs.

French cuffs are what you’d call the traditional gentleman’s choice.

They’re the epitome of cuff elegance, embodying timeless sophistication and a hint of old-world charm.

Read also: Mastering French Cuffs

Characteristics of French Cuffs

french cuff dress shirt

Imagine a dress shirt with its sleeves turned up.

Now, instead of buttoned cuffs, picture a pair of squared fabric flaps.

That’s the hallmark of French cuffs.

These cuffs are about twice as long as regular cuffs, and they don’t button down like their everyday counterparts.

They’re designed to be folded back on themselves, creating a clean and crisp line.

It’s this fold that brings forth a canvas to showcase a striking accessory that adds personality to your attire.

An accessory we all love and a must-have accessory for every man.


Regular Cuffs as the Everyday Option

If French cuffs are the suit and tie of the cuff world, regular cuffs are the relaxed denim and t-shirt combo.

It’s a bit of an extreme comparison, I know, but you get it.

They’re the workhorses of your wardrobe, the go-to choice for everyday wear.

Characteristics of Regular Cuffs

barrel cuff dress shirt

Regular cuffs, often called barrel cuffs, are the most common type you’ll find on dress shirts.

They’re characterized by a simple, button-down design.

These cuffs are uncomplicated and practical, making them perfect for everyday situations.

They button snugly, ensuring your sleeves stay in place without the need for additional accessories.

The Key Differences

Now that we’ve introduced these two options, let’s explore the key differences between French cuffs and regular cuffs.

1. Formality

French Cuffs: These cuffs are what we could call the aristocrats of the cuff world.

They scream elegance and are typically reserved for formal occasions.

If you’re going to a black-tie event, a wedding, or an important business meeting, French cuffs are your allies.

Regular Cuffs: These cuffs are more versatile and are your daily companions in the business world.

They work well with business suits, casual blazers, or even a stylish sports jacket.

If you’re going to the office, a regular cuff is the way to go.

Read also: Can a Suit Jacket Double as a Blazer?

2. Cufflinks

French Cuffs: Here’s where the magic happens with French cuffs.

The extra length of the fabric invites you to get creative with cufflinks.

From classic silver knots to fun cufflinks, you can express your style through these little, but very important, accessories.

It’s the equivalent of adding a tasteful piece of jewelry to your outfit.

Regular Cuffs: Simplicity is the name of the game with regular cuffs.

Since they’re buttoned, there’s no room for cufflinks.

But, don’t think they lack in style.

You can still choose shirts with contrasting buttons for some extra color and contrast if that’s your thing.

3. Versatility

French Cuffs: Their formality makes French cuffs less versatile.

You don’t really see them in casual settings too often.

However, if you’re comfortable with pushing style boundaries, you can pull them off with a smart casual ensemble, adding an extra touch of sophistication to your look.

Regular Cuffs: These are your versatile everyday cuffs.

They’re suitable for almost any occasion, from work to casual outings, making them a staple in your wardrobe.

You can dress them up with a tie or down with rolled-up sleeves.

4. Comfort

French Cuffs: They tend to be a tad less comfortable than regular cuffs.

Specially if you’re not used to wearing them regularly.

Since you fold back the extra fabric, it can feel a bit bulkier, especially if your shirt is well-fitted.

But hey, keeping it honest, a bit of discomfort is a small price to pay for that extra dose of style, right?

Style trumps comfort when it comes to French cuffs, if you ask me.

Regular Cuffs: If you’re all about comfort, regular cuffs are your best friends.

They feel snug, and there’s no extra fabric to get in the way.

You can roll up your sleeves with ease, perfect for a day of hard work or a casual night out.

characteristics of regular cuffs and french cuffs

When to Embrace a Hybrid Approach

So, what if you love both styles?

Good news!

Here’s where the hybrid approach comes into play.

You can opt for shirts with convertible cuffs.

These shirts allow you to switch between French cuffs and regular cuffs, giving you the best of both worlds.

Convertible Cuffs: With a simple fold, they transform from a regular cuff to a French cuff and back again.

This versatility makes them an excellent choice if you’re looking to diversify your wardrobe without breaking the bank.

When to Wear French Cuffs vs. Regular Cuffs

french cuffs or regular cuffsNow that we’ve examined the differences between French cuffs and regular cuffs let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of when to wear each style.

French Cuffs

Formal Events: French cuffs are your knights in shining armor for formal events.

When you’re attending a black-tie gala, a sophisticated wedding, or a high-stakes business meeting, don’t think twice—opt for French cuffs.

At this point you may want to read about the beauty that is a crisp white shirt.

Power Move at the Office: In the business world, French cuffs signal authority.

They’re your secret weapon when you want to command a room or close a crucial deal.

Dress to Impress: For special occasions that demand extra elegance, such as an opera night or a romantic dinner, French cuffs enhance your style.

You’ll undoubtedly leave a lasting impression.

Regular Cuffs

Office and Business Casual: Regular cuffs are your go-to choice for daily style.

Wear them with business suits, blazers, or sports jackets, whether you’re at the office or meeting clients for a casual business lunch.

Smart Casual Outings: For those semi-casual gatherings, like a trendy restaurant dinner or a night at the theater, regular cuffs strike the right balance between comfort and style.

Casual: When the day calls for relaxed attire, rolled-up regular cuffs lend a laid-back vibe to your outfit.


In conclusion, the battle between French cuffs and regular cuffs isn’t about one being better than the other.

It’s about knowing when to use each style effectively.

French cuffs radiate sophistication, ideal for formal events and power dressing, while regular cuffs offer everyday versatility, making them suitable for the office, business-casual affairs, and smart-casual outings.

Your choice of cuffs is a subtle yet powerful statement of your personality and style.

When it comes to French cuffs vs. regular cuffs, remember—it’s not really a competition.

At all.

It’s an opportunity to diversify your wardrobe and elevate your dapper style game.

So, now let me ask you: Which cuff style do you resonate with?

Are you the classic French cuff aficionado or the versatile regular cuff enthusiast?

Share your favorite cuff style in the comments, and remember to follow me on social media for more men’s classic style tips and inspiration.

Thank you.


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